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book cover of Things That Go

My daughter has been obsessed with transportation books like Things That Go ever since our trip to Canada. During our travels, we were hopping on trains to and from airports, catching buses to sightseeing spots, embarking on boats to islands, and boarding planes to different countries. It was a whirlwind of movement and discovery! To keep reading to her in Mandarin, I have put together a translated vocabulary table for Things That Go below. All aboard for some choo-choo reading fun!


English Pinyin Traditional Simplified Synonyms (traditional)
tugboat (tow boat) tuō chuán 拖船 拖船  
train huǒ chē 火車 火车  
hot-air balloon rè qì qiú 熱氣球 热气球  
bus bā shì 巴士 巴士 公車 (gōng chē), 公共汽車 (gōng gòng qì chē)
sailboat fān chuán 帆船 帆船  
digger wā tǔ jī 挖土機 挖土机 挖掘機 (wā jué jī)
car chē 汽車 (qì chē), 車輛 (chē liàng), 車仔 (chē zǐ), 車子 (chēzi)
dump truck lè sè chē 垃圾車 垃圾车  
fire truck xiāo fáng chē 消防車 消防车 救火車 (jiù huǒ chē)
plane fēi jī 飛機 飞机  
tractor tuō lā jī 拖拉機 拖拉机 聯結機 (lián jié jī)
rocket huǒ jiàn 火箭 火箭